Dating – The Series!
Through this series of blogs I am going to be having a look at Dating! Where dating came from, some dating does and don’ts and fingers crossed for some bad dating stories too!
To start here are a few of my own thoughts about dating!
Long gone are the days where you would get your best clothes on and visit the local dance hall to see if you could find a lovely lady or gentleman to dance the night away with and maybe something more if things went well. In a way I am a bit sad about that, the nostalgia and romance from catching someone’s eye from across the room, inviting them for a waltz and literally being swept off your feet seems such a long time ago.
Nowadays its all about the apps and swiping left and right which seems to have completely removed the romance of meeting someone in real life. However I do understand that we all have such busy lives that meeting someone by chance in person is something that would be quite hard to do. Rushing from A to B doesn’t leave a lot of time for any interaction with a potential date and this is when a dating app would come in handy, you can have a look at who is out there but in your own time and how you want to, my question is though having your head down looking at a phone on say public transport for example is that helping you to miss out on those chance encounters for dating?
What would happen if we went back to the old days where you met someone at a local dance or party and from there courted (as they called it) for a while to get to know that person in real life rather than messages back and forth, as we all know that messages can be read in completely different ways to how they were intended! Would there be a wave of romance that hits the nation or the world? Who knows but sometimes i think it would be worth a try! My grandparents obviously did something right after 40 years of marriage!
The next post in this series will be looking at the history of dating and seeing where it all began!